
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

There was a segment on knots, and the IGKT, on CBS Sunday Morning, on 17 May 2009.

Here's the link:

Knot So Simple

It's not as long as I'd hoped it would be, but it's still very nice.



Unknown said...

Hi Lily! Just giving a shout out "hello" to my "tatting enabler", LOL! ;)

Ridgewoman said...

Hi Lily, I found the video really interesting. I ususally miss this segment because our worship services begin so early. So, thank you for saving it!
Bev aka ridgewoman

Liyarra said...

Hi Lily,
You knot work is just amazing!!!

I am trying to find your tatted pink anchor pattern for a friend looking to make it for someone with breast cancer. The link to it on the internet is broken. Would you be able to send me a copy of the pattern please??
Many thanks.
Jenni ( liyarra at gmail.com)